Hey health and wellness expert!
I know owning a business isn’t easy and time is precious. Have you thought about how strategy on your health and wellness website could help you get more time back in your day?
Here are the top ways a strategically designed website can grow your business so you can work less and earn more:
1. Reduce customer service enquiries.
Having a website with a clear frequently asked questions section can reduce the number of customer service enquiries. This means you won’t have to spend time replying to messages on Instagram all day.
2. Less time spent marketing your business.
If you’re spending a lot of time marketing your business on Instagram and sending them to your website which has not been built with strategy in mind, this could all be time wasted. Potential clients are probably getting to your website, getting confused and leaving. Optimising your website with SEO will help boost your rankings on Google so that you’ll be found by more ideal clients. Then, website strategy will then welcome those potential clients, nurture them and turn them into paying customers or leads.
3. No time spent signing people up to your courses and programmes as an automated system will do this for you.
Another benefit of having a health and wellness website built with strategy is that the possibility of automation is endless. Imagine how great it would be if a potential client lands on your website, books a course, pays, gets sent the course material and log in details all before you even wake up in the morning!
4. You’ll have a 24/7 online presence.
Having a 24/7 online presence will increase the conversion on your health and wellness website as potential clients will not have to wait for you to respond to queries. This is important as website users would rather leave a website than have to search for answers.
So then, are you ready to get more time back in their day, relieve stress and make more money?
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